Hello comrades!
In the epic battle of proletariat vs. bourgeois we have struck a blow that will be remembered forever by everyday working class men and women as a day when the people rose up and took back what was rightfully theirs!
I am happy to say that I was able to retrieve the stolen bike, The treachery of these bourgeois goons, this injustice, comrades, will receive its answer, retaliation will be just, I assure you.
comrades, despite all the evidence to the contrary, on the other side of that counter it is like a scene from Indiana Jones and the temple of doom. Do not be fooled by her references to Sunprarie or growing up in Wisconsin, behind all that friendly talk and the pretty smile is a cold blooded, tyrannical madwomen.
this is about much more than just One bike belonging to One man.
nonstop sandwich and soup production, countless off the clock hours slaving over the east side’s best muffins, zero protection rights for ideas, forcing pregnant women to work up until the day of birth, confiscating employee modes of transportation to prevent them from ever leaving. Our meager hourly pay is monitored on a daily basis by a software program that only our employer can see or understands and this is altered every two weeks at our employer’s arbitrary discretion. Worst of all we exist in a extremely hostile working environment that promotes the degradation of men, and the emotional/mental breakdown of employees; that is our yoke.
Friends, comrades, remember the workers of the mermaid, they have fought hard and valiant, and struggle on every day, and despite insurmountable odds, we continue to produce. We keep moving because if we stop we die. Please stand in solidarity with the workers who fall under the giant umbrella of a certain east side clan.
where you see a bike, think of us...
I must sign off now, I fear my illegal presence on this server may be detected I must always stay on the move. Signing out,
In solidarity
Monday, March 9, 2009
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David exaggerates.
How exactly does one slave over the "east side's best muffins?" Show me the Muffins I say!
You don’t hesitate. You don’t think. And you definitely don’t ask questions. Not when you’re the goon of a ruthless robber-baron.
So goes the conventional wisdom. Italians are born with it; it’s the reason we make such good enforcers. Know your job, know your friends, don’t confuse your loyalties, and never, ever take truck from soulless pinko agitators. It’s just how I was raised. I don’t even wear red ties. Red is for God-haters and bishops. (Please don’t draw attention to the irony. When people talk about irony, all I hear is, “My kneecaps are invulnerable! I dare you to bludgeon them with a pipe!”)
That’s why I’m not sorry. If this “militantantieverythinggoodintheworld” had ever bothered to watch the Italian neo-realist film The Bicycle Thief, he might have realized that poor people are always stealing each other’s bikes. Hence, they do not deserve to own them, or cooperatively utilize them, or whatever it is they do with their stuff. Neologistic drivel. All I know is, the haves need to keep the have-nots from getting around too fast. That way, there’s less time for them to organize unions between shifts.
Here’s what it comes down to: First you agree to share the road. Next thing you know, you’re sharing the means of production. That’s how these people operate. You ask me, sharing’s bad news. I say keep’em alienated. Alienated from their labor, from the products of their labor, from each other, and from themselves. If that means making them slice onions till they cry, so be it. This country wasn’t built on hugs and mutual understanding, it was built on brass knuckles, gold chains, and pepperoni—on taking what you want and keeping the poor people too exhausted to snatch it away. So when David stopped collapsing after clocking out, it was time for him to start walking to work. That’s life.
Why’d he get the bike back? I don’t know. Like I said, I don’t ask questions. What the blond lady says, goes. Maybe just cause you know skulls sometimes have to be cracked, you aren’t necessarily all bad. If everyone keeps that in mind, we all do okay, nobody gets hurt. Just have to think of ourselves as one big, happy Family.
It is my own expressed desire to write the following; in no way have I been coerced, threatened or tortured by *** **** to encourage my perspective.
I love working at the Mermaid. The conditions are wonderful. I am allowed ample break time to drink my gruel - which is generously supplied by my employer - and even to use the bathroom once a week. I could not imagine a better place to work and will not ever say anything against the Mermaid.
To those spineless upstarts who wish no more than to whine about their place in this great mysterious life, I say: You lose. For my part I will continue to support the machine that is the Mermaid, and I claim no association with the bleeding heart liberal traitors.
Long live the Motherland!!!
P.S. That pregnant harlot should be grateful for the opportunity to earn the 75$ a month for that unborn no-account-pinko-commie.
By the weeping teets of Hathor will you mortals stop your infernal caterwauling! The Mighty Isis cares not about your wheeled camels called bi-cycles. If The Mighty Isis did not need this job to buy honey to sweeten her wine and charcoal to darken her eyes she would curse you all with running sores, burnt bacon and bubbly lattes.
Have I left at just the right time? Or is this a sign that I should never have left? I love you Merpeople. I love your muffins. I love your camaraderie.
I work at a cafe in Denver now... alone... 8 hours, holding down the fort! Missing your smiling faces, but the new gig is good. 16 flavors of icecream baby! ...I should start training for another marathon.
The website looks great.
see my blog for my doings: www.holsumation.blogspot.com
Love from Denver, CO.
Is it true that the Mermaid is housing an eco-terrorist? I heard this from a friend but wanted to hear it from the source... So, which is it?
I can neither confirm nor deny that ******* is, or has ever been, involved in acts of ******* or ****** or even ******. Please be careful with your questions or ****** may face serious consequences at the hands of *******. The employees of the Mermaid Cafe are not at liberty to discuss *******.
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