Thursday, May 28, 2009

Three Cheers for Lapham

All of our hard work and time seemed to pay off today when we were able to serve fresh spinach with tahini dipping sauce to 6 classrooms for snack. This spinach (and some beautiful radishes) was student-grown and student-picked. I can't think of anything like it in all of Madison. As Sophia's teacher Mark said, "this is what science should be." YEAH! Today it feels like we pulled off something incredible for the kids.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just in Time before the Rain...

We had some good, wholesome fun in the Lapham Garden on Tue. night. LOTS of weeding, pruning a sage, and, everyone's favorite, the compost pile. What a fabulous, stinky, STEAMING mess it was! Trace & Asher did tons of hard work pulling the pile apart, then Chris & I added 4 buckets of egg shells & coffee grounds and a big bag of carrot peels from Mermaid. Lucky Chris made it all the way through on account of his low zinc problem. We had blisters, nosebleeds, and a break for sandwiches. The elusive Shadowy Shanooners was sighted. Hazel tried to capture her (see side pic) but, as always, was unsuccessful. Lapham Parent Randy turned a huge section of the garden over while his son Trace turned the compost and weeded....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's Day Brunch with Morgan's Resurrection

We're hoping to have something new and exciting for our Mother's Day brunch. Twenty years ago I worked for a guy named Chuck Mann. Chuck was skinny, super high strung, an avid smoker, and good lord could he cook. ANYTHING! I don't really remember why he was knocking around Madison but I still miss his food (I don't miss his pointed criticisms of my work habits. They were true...but still). Through the miracle of having worked at a bar I was able to track down Chuck and get his recipe for my favorite blender Hollandaise sauce. We've been playing with the poaching and with the sauce. Carrie from Jordandal helped us to find the perfect Canadian bacon. And, of course, those beautiful New Century Farm eggs!