Thursday, May 28, 2009

Three Cheers for Lapham

All of our hard work and time seemed to pay off today when we were able to serve fresh spinach with tahini dipping sauce to 6 classrooms for snack. This spinach (and some beautiful radishes) was student-grown and student-picked. I can't think of anything like it in all of Madison. As Sophia's teacher Mark said, "this is what science should be." YEAH! Today it feels like we pulled off something incredible for the kids.


militantantifoodie said...

So Excellent! What is a life worth living for if not for the benefit of others and the planet?

Dr Diablo said...

Many foods taste better when cooked and are more nutritious when thus broken down. Some epidemiologists have suggested that the fresh food craze has led to an uptick in the incidence of food poisoning.

The "grow-your-own" movement does allow middle-class folks to cultivate the illusion that they are living with the self-sufficiency of peasant villagers, a worthy experience to be sure. However, I think the fad will come to an abrupt end when a salmonella outbreak at some school leads its administration to turn back to SYSCO. Until then--enjoy!